Saturday, March 11, 2017


The world can be lean, 
Thinly-lived, breathing in
like scraping a bowl's edge. 

The world can be rich, 
brimming with cornflower, compromise, 
and all that is running toward the Good. 

I wish for you, 
the whole story - 
that you might know the beauty 
of finding your own way.

From here.

The ache in my bones
I forget
because we are too busy

And going every way
the sunlight and sounds
of every step.

Time, trickling by
into the river
and if you sit a while
the quiet is loud.

Forget the din
of the city,
Cross ridges without
looking both ways.

Here, I will dress
Letting go of a few things
there and there.

I walk in Love,
this way and that,
to greet the breeze on my cheek,
every color a gift.

If we were made for Longing,
then tell me,
which way is it to
a clear path to run?