Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things that look like watermelon but aren't.

MAN, food is dang pretty.

Felt good today - the humidity is turned cooler rainish type summer weather and I think my body likes that.

First four meals of the day were:

1 chicken sausage (7g PRO, 7g FAT, 4g CHO) I eat this with minimal CHO - a few bites of a very crunchy, very orange (like HAPPY orange), bell pepper.

With the last one being at about 12p.

Around 3p I had 3 oz. salmon wrapped around 1/2 cup of avocado and 2 blocks of blueberries + 2 cups of decaf coffee with a tbs. of cream in each.

Around 5p I had 3 more oz. of salmon wrapped around 1/2 cup of avocado and 2 blocks of blueberries again.

Trained around 7p ( a 7 minute heavy effort )

Had 3 eggs (ran out of butter...erg) and 1 pita (about 3 blocks of CHO and NASTY ingredients) and a block of CHO worth of blueberries.

My last meal was blah. Healthier fresh food is incredibly tasty to me and so much more appetizing than brown stuff.

Color is yummy. Moral of the day.


  1. Incredible! Is that roasted red pepper? Maybe I DO like avocado.

  2. I'm having Reading Terminal withdrawal. Man I can't wait til I live in town. DON'T like avocado? Have we discussed how crazy this is?
