Situation #11

Today was a day for the latter.
Situations which I found myself in today:
Situation No.1 - I am trying to put more than 145lbs. over my head and it just isn't going to happen - and so I proceed to pummeling myself with a smooth combination of movements dubbed "1/2 Angie". Tried really hard to beat Chris and then he had to go and do 10 extra reps of the ab wheel rollouts and make a bathroom trip. Subsequently could not claim a solid victory. This is my life.
Situation No.2 - I follow the lovely Liz Edmonds to Physical Therapy and spend time wrapped in the sterilized viscera of bands and strange machines, old women with dislocated shoulders, and bulky men with plantar fasciitis. There are many thoughts of ball and socket joints. I feel like I am swimming in ideas and anatomy - tunneling through angles and physiology.
Situation No.3 - I am blessed to see a baby and maneuver around its mother's back trying to fix some aches and pains. I've never felt a back that wasn't loaded with all kinds of trouble. There is something assuring about being with a child, or being with a good friend - safe is a great feeling, albeit sometimes a fleeting one.
Situation No. 4 - Lunch with my beau in which I am distracted, both by gluten and my freaking phone. As per usual, he doesn't bat so much as a twitchy eyelid.
Situation No.5 - “It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more 'manhood' to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind.” - Alex Karras
Situation No. 6 - Walk home and be for all of half an hour.
Situation No. 7 - Take a cab a short distance and assure him I'll tip him well if he doesn't mind taking me for such small fare. Cabbie commences in discussing cab fare and how much I should tip him ("Some people just walk in and give me $20 to take 'em round the block."). He then picks up a homeless man into the front seat at Broad and Walnut while I am still in the cab and asks him if he feels like he's dying because the man wants to go the hospital. ________________. Needless to say I get out at Broad and Locust and throw eight big ones at the guy for a four dollar cab ride. Maybe I was trying to be ironic? I don't think I was trying to be nice.
Situation No. 8 - Running and skinning my knee on my way to grab coconut water, in the 5 year old way you do when you are trying to do a million things are really all you need is a nap. Ouch.
Situation No. 9 - Being engulfed by the push jerk, Metallica, and more of the same Angie. I think I literally saw stars about five times tonight as I coached. I felt like I had mothballs for teeth (there's an image, eh?)
Situation No. 10 - Sashimi, ok, and gyoza.... cause it was either that or wine... and the story of Rachel and Leah, but like, Jerry Springer style.
Situation No. 11 - Walk home with Sammy to find a vacuum cleaner chillin' in a homeless man's grocery cart. Because, you know - maybe he needs to clean some ish up on his life too?
I stopped coming by here because for a while you just had training schedules and achievements posted (which meant nothing to me, though probably were of interest to your crossfit friends). So I was pleasantly surprised to read your latest blog posts. I've always enjoyed your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ryan... thoughts have been really necessary as of late.