1. There are some things that are more important than CrossFit... and their names are Marco, Naomi, Taryn, Hannah, Sherry, and Marco.
2. Eating an incredible breakfast every single day of your life is a certain to induce happiness.
3. There are people in the world who wake up at 7am almost every morning... slip on a skin tight wet-suit, walk about 50 ft. with a board covered in a substance called "sex wax" and "surf" or literally ride the waves of the ocean. What???
4. I like shopping. I like shopping with Rachel Greengas more.
5. CrossFit is officially official (see the CrossFit Games).
6. When I leave CFCC people miss me. Whew. <3
7. When I leave CFCC Greg will not hesitate to call me at 7am anyway about somesuchthingoranotherthanksgreg.
8. A bad flight can make you completely forget how good a vacation is.
9. 3 layovers is not worth $100. Got it.
10. You think you're going to need 9 shirts, 4 shorts, 3 pairs of pants, 19 pairs of undergarments, 6 dresses, 4 pairs of shoes, and countless other amenities when in California but what you really need is 5 good swimsuits, 3 dresses, a nightgown, some sunscreen, some aloe, a tube of toothpaste, a tube of shampoo, one pair of shoes, and a pair of sunglasses.
11. Biking still makes more than just my butt hurt. That said, I suppose I can now say that spin classes are good for something.
12. While reading "Committed" by Elizabeth Gilbert : "In the end, it seems to me that forgiveness may be the only realistic antidote we are offered in love, the combat the inescapable disappointments of intimacy." It's not depressing if you know what it means... it means you can get forgiven...
13. I have a lot of faults. I wrote them all down. I'm telling you... I have a LOT of faults.
14. At Sharkee's... when you get one of this you are really getting two. Just saying.
15. Apparently all is still fair in love and war.
16. Some day I would really love to buy a beach house for somebody.
17. I have decided to start writing and actively pursuing music again... this means... I can afford the aforementioned beach house.
18. If you're looking for a great place to stay and do almost nothing for a weekend... Manhattan Beach is your ticket. I will be back. To very resolutely do more nothing.
19. On some Midwest flights they give you two chocolate chip cookies. On others... one.
20. Ejote is corn covered in mayo, dressed with sharp cheese, and chile powder. Napkins required.
21. Shrimp ceviche and mahi mahi is what I want for dinner.
22. Whole Foods is so sad here. So very, very sad.
23. No matter how long you've known them... people will still surprise you.
24. You also get MONEY when you win the CrossFit Games... I forgot!
25. “Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” - J.R.R. Tolkien
Dear God, I love you. COMMITTED! Does this mean you finished it? Andcaniborrowitnow??
ReplyDeleteYay let's gig now :) I missed you :) and I'm VERY glad you finally got away :)
ReplyDeletelove number 25. one of my favorite books ever. And #22 i have to respectfully disagree the whole foods i frequented was aaaaahmazing. if doing nothing results in such a well thought out list you should do nothing more often. miss you davidson.
ReplyDeleteAll I know is that I am crying...and you know how I NEVER cry. Hardee har har. Erin, you are such an amazing beautiful soul. Said it before and I'll say it again. Who makes a list like this? It's so real...so honest...even funny. =) Love you cousin. I think you've changed my life. Oh...and don't forget. Be careful - they're all on drugs. haha
ReplyDeleteim taking it back. i thought when you said "the whole foods here" you meant cali not Philly. i agree, Philly/NJ whole foods are very sad
ReplyDeleteReading about your vacation makes me want to go on a hike and climb a tree, then sit there and write in journals. Can we make this happen?
ReplyDeleteYesss...LOTR!!! One of my favs too! hahaha..they are all on drugs! ha. Oh and it's hard to find someone to take your picture on Venice Beach. And, when your bike lock is stuck, a firefighter will always come to rescue..if Erin Davidson doesn't beat them to it!