Dear Beautiful Miss Abby,
What a lady you are turning out to be! I feel like it was only yesterday I found out your mother (who used to chase me around your Grandmother's yard with pretend bugs in her hand as a joke when I was your age) was now going to be a mother. I can't imagine what a privilege that is - and I hope she doesn't chase you with bugs ;)
Every year of becoming older is exciting because it means new things can happen and all kinds of changes occur. You have new memories of great friends and beautiful moments and you have everything to look forward to. At the same time though, you gain all kinds of responsibilities, you make all kinds of new mistakes, and sometimes this is really hard.
Know that no matter what you are loved. You are loved, of course, by your family and your friends. But most of all, you are loved by God, not because you are always right, or always perfect (although it's true that you are pretty amazing), and not because you will always feel like you love him but absolutely in spite of the fact that sometimes you will mess up. You are a truly unique part of his creation and someone he delights in - just because you're you!
Messing up really is a part of life though. You will have to learn over and over again to mess up and try again. It's just the way things go! I hope you are never afraid to try new things just because they're hard, or kind of scary! Because you have all this love behind you you can follow your heart and know that it will take you to great places - but you will always have all this love to fall back on.
I love you, lady! I'm so proud to know you and watch you grow!
Lots of love,