Saturday, October 16, 2010

These are some stats I want to remember.


Dave Lipson: Squat 550, Press 215, Deadlift 635. Total 1400lbs
Jason Khalipa: Squat 445, Press 240, Deadlift 535. Total 1220lbs
Kristan Clever: Squat 270, Press 115, Deadlift 335. Total 720lbs
Katie Hogan: Squat 245, Press 115, Deadlift 320. Total 685lbs
Elyse Umeda Squat 275, Press 105, Deadlift 295. Total 675lbs
Rebecca Voigt: Squat 215, Press 105, Deadlift 350. Total 670lbs
Kim Malz: Squat 235, Press 95, Deadlift 275. Total 605lbs

Monday, October 4, 2010

Running, my Ebenezer.

I can't call it my nemesis cause I'm gonna get better at it. I will call it my Ebenezer.

1 Samuel 7:12
Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far has the LORD helped us.”


[nem-uh-sis] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ses [-seez] Show IPA.
something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.: Theperformance test proved to be my nemesis.
an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best orovercome.
( initial capital letter ) Classical Mythology . the goddess ofdivine retribution.
an agent or act of retribution or punishment.
Origin: < L < Gk némesis lit., a dealing out, verbid of némein to dispense(justice); see -sis