Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How much does a pound of snow weigh...

and other questions you'll ask yourself when snowed in virtually by yourself during the month of February.

Will I ever go to New Zealand?

Will I ever get tired of A.J. Heschel?

Is it silly of me to look at all the snow outside and still want these?

Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy. - A.J. Heschel

Friday, February 5, 2010

Simple food.

Go to the market.

Buy whatever you see and combine it to make monstrously good food.

I bought 2 lbs. of pasture-raised turkey, 1 lb. of pasture-raised pork, 3 very curious looking sweet potatoes, a big chunk of grass-fed butter, and 5 slabs of really intriguing flatbreads (made out of brown rice and millet flour).

Why I feel ok eating a lot of carbs (~150g a day) from some otherwise questionable sources but not eating a lot of fruit:

1. A very active lifestyle.

3. Fruit is not easy to come by in nature except for one time of the year... and even then, wild fruit is waaaaaaaaaaay less sweet.

4. Most of the easier to buy fruits are higher in fructose, including what most "primal" or "paleo" baked goods and snacks are made of, agave nectar, honey, and/or dates. Even molasses has a pretty high sucrose level.

5. Fruit is an exception. And I don't always miss it... though sometimes I do. Sometimes I'd just rather eat bacon.

6. Leptins in grains, are also in nuts... sometimes in higher levels. Have to find this link.

7. I eat fruit. Just not NEARLY as much as I used to eat (piece with every meal at least).

8. Fruit just makes me crave more fruit!